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Being Cosmic is being of the Earth.


In the middle of the night, on a Vision Quest, I climbed high up into an orange tree.  I was balancing in the branches when an incredibly strong force I understood as a beam of light, or information, struck me in my third eye with such impact that I wound my legs and arms around the trunk so I wouldn't fall out of the tree.  All I could do was breathe, relax and receive whatever was entering me, while also seeing myself from a distance swaying on a branch in that darkness, with a special kind of hilarity reserved for Witches in the hours after Midnight. 

At a time in my life when many blockages were beginning to unravel, a deep healing process was occurring within me as I became a doula, began to write books that are now published, learned to meditate, studied yoga, sought therapists, coaches, and programs, and most importantly, took myself into the wilderness to reconnect with our Great Mother.  Essential oils and herbs had followed me since childhood, and I was desperately trying to heal and understand my skin after being on hormonal birth control for the third and last time in my life.  My skin was detoxifying from all the old methods I had used to survive, including addiction, bulimia, and spending years from the age of 10 to 33, in deep fight, hustle, and flight. 


After my night in the tree, ideas, remembrances, and artistic inspiration began to flood in with the help of many incredible holistic teachers who appeared to guide me.  I would dream of herbs and how they could be combined.  The pantheon of flora opened to me like enchanted drawers in an ancient apothecary cupboard, and I began to conceive of the pathways of plants throughout cultures, time, and our shared story.  Ancient Frankincense groves tended for thousands of years from Africa to Egypt, Sandalwood burned in the temples of India, Rose from the Ottomans travelled through Turkey into Bulgaria, Sage and Palo Santo used in sacred ceremony from North to South America, these scents and their healing abilities have been with us for so long. 


We have worshipped these abundant, generous healers before. 

Let them guide us again, let us meet them again, let them heal us again.

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